Medication Reminder Service

Is your loved one struggling with memory loss? Have you been left with the daunting task of finding a senior living facility that is able to accommodate your loved one’s needs? Do you want to ensure that your loved one receives the proper medication at the right time?

If so, Care Front Residential Senior Living Facility can help. With our exceptional Medication Reminder Service, we’ll provide your loved one with up-to-date alerts for their medication. No more missed doses or expired prescriptions! It has never been easier to give your loved ones the comfort and care they deserve. 

Our dedicated staff will monitor your loved one’s care and lifestyle 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Should any significant changes occur, we’ll immediately notify you by telephone or e-mail to keep you informed of your loved one’s welfare. With our service in place, you’ll never need to worry about your loved one taking their medications incorrectly or suffering from the side effects of medication that is not required.

This service allows us to create an individually customized schedule for our clients’ needs. With our flexible routine, we’re able to accommodate most senior living facility needs without hindering the quality of care offered at the residential seniors’ residence.

To learn how Care Front can help, call today at 925-890-8953.